Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Invited Talks

Bonifati was invited to BDA 2012 (French Conference on databases) to give a tutorial on “Schema matching and mapping: from Usage to Evaluation”. Niehren was invited to the workshop “INQUEST:INnovative QUErying of STreams at Oxford”. The title of his presentation was “Querying XML Streams with Networks of Automata”. Tommasi was invited to give a tutorial on (probabilistic) grammatical inference in “Journées SDA2 Systèmes Dynamiques, Automates et Algorithmique du pôle Algorithmique et Combinatoire du GDR IM (Informatique Mathématique) du CNRS”, see http://jmc2012.colloques.univ-rouen.fr/ . Tison gave a lecture on Tree Automata, Turing Machines and Term Rewriting at International School on Rewriting.

Program Committees

A. Bonifati was member of the program committee of EDBT 2012, SIGMOD 2012, and VLDB 2012.

P. Denis was member of the program committee of AAAI 2012, ACL 2012, COLING 2012, EACL 2012, ATALA Workshop on Discourse and NLP 2012, TALN 2012, CSE 2012; he was external Member on CS Assistant Professorship search committee at University of Marseille and expert Member on Research Engineer search committee at CNRS.

A. Freno was member of the program committee of ANNPR 2012.

G. Garriga continues to be member of the editorial board of Machine Learning Journal and of the Intelligent Data Analysis Journal. She was member of the program committees of ECML 2012 (area chair), CIKM 2012, ASONAM 2012, ECAI 2012, ICDM 2012 PhD Forum.

R. Gilleron was member of the program committee of ECML 2012.

J. Niehren is member of the steering committee of RTA (International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications), of the editorial board of FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE. He was in the program committees of CMSB 2012, RTA 2012, TTATT 2012, APWeb 2012, LATA 2012, NCMA 2012, ATANLP 2012.

S. Tison is member of the editorial board of RAIRO - ITA and of the steering committee of RTA and STACS. She was member of the program committee of TTATT 2012 , PODS 2012, LATA2012, SOFSEM 2012

M. Tommasi was member of the program committee of ATANLP 2012

French Scientific Responsibilities

A. Bonifati was member of the selection committee in Lille for professor positions.

R. Gilleron was a member of the scientific committee of the Program Programme Blanc SIMI2, ANR. He was member of the national PES commission 27. He was member of the selection committees of assistant professors in Saint Etienne.

S. Tison is head of the computer science lab in Lille (LIFL). She was member of the scientific committee of the program Chaires Industrielles, ANR. She chairs the scientific council of "Pôle de Compétitivité Industries du Commerce". She was member of the national PES commission 27. She is elected member of the “Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique (CoNRS)” since 2012. She was in the AERES evaluation committee of LIAFA and PPS.

M. Tommasi is leader of the lampada project.

F. Torre is member of the french national evaluation committee for computer science assistant professors (CNU 27).